When it comes to vlogging or talk-show style video formats, this “dress for success” mentality translates into producing videos in anticipation of the audience...
“The sign of a great director is when a film’s voice comes not from the script or the protagonists, but from the filmmaker.” — Antonia Thompson, Huffington Post.
The secret to pulling your subjects out of the real world and placing them into a digital domain is chromakey, and that means going green with green screen.
From cinematographers to videographers to vloggers, every kind of video producer has their unique set of needs. However, something all three types of producers...
As political campaigns have become increasingly televised and at times, sensationalized, the use of dramatic music is ever more tempting. However, using theme music...
If you want to make money with video production, producing commercials is a great way to start. Videomaker's Making Commercials walks you through the...
No matter how skilled you are as a videographer, you won't be able to win or keep clients with an unprofessional attitude. Here's how to make a good impression, both on and off set.
All creatives, from professional video shooters to online content creators, need a reliable monitor in their editing rooms. Reliability can come in various forms...
You have the tools needed to create stunning motion graphics, but do you have the time? If not, using motion graphics templates can be a great way to add polish to a production without blowing your deadline.
Music and sound effects are a crucial part of any film or video project. Using royalty-free stock music in your next project is one way to cut costs without sacrificing quality.
As digital video resolutions increase, our need for storage increases as well. If you’re ready to step up to a new storage solution, you’re in the right place.
For video editors, finding the perfect portable workstation is like catching a unicorn. It is no easy task to find the perfect balance of performance vs. price point.